The ISC Tasting Awards winners are established through a rigorous judging process - a highly controlled operation held over twenty three days of intense blind tastings by panels of more than 75 respected and experienced industry professionals.
Samples are delivered to the judging area in flights of numbered tasting glasses to ensure the accuracy of the blind tasting. Each judge will assess products according to their age, region and variety which is determined by the entrant and verified by the chairman. Each product is blind tasted and awarded a score for its aroma, appearance, taste and finish. Scores are collated and recorded by the category chairman before Trophy, Double Gold, Gold, Silver, and Bronze medals are awarded.
The ISC takes great care in ensuring that all products are blind tasted equally and fairly in the correct conditions set by the ISC rules. The chairman will monitor each product ensuring that all samples are consistent and authentic. This precise judging process is the basis of the reputation the ISC has established for rewarding quality and celebrating excellence.